The Academy of Sport

The Academy of Sport is designed to prepare you for a career in sport. It will allow you to work alongside elite sports teams to improve your skillset, gain confidence and to gain experience in the professional sporting industry.

Team West Notts is the competitive side of the academy. If you’re an ambitious A Level, public services or sports student, you’ll have the opportunity to join one of our sports academy programmes. You can compete in competitive leagues and cups internationally, and at regional and national level. Playing in high-level sports teams, you’ll be able to develop long-standing relationships in preparation for a career in your chosen sport.

Tiny tots get sporty

As part of their course, students were invited to work with three and four-year-olds from the college’s on-site nursery, Butterflies, as part of a series of weekly classes designed and delivered by the sports students.

The pre-school group have been learning games such as ‘What Time is it Mr Wolf?’ and doing team-based activities to help develop their social skills and self-confidence while gaining the benefits of physical exercise.

The classes help to equip students with the skills and knowledge to run tailored training programmes for specific age groups, and come on the back of activities delivered in local schools.